Copyright © High Tech Training Vestibulum | Sed vulputate
Practice is the hardest part of learning.
Training is the essence of transformation.
“Gathering your evidence by stealth isn’t cheating. Sometimes one needs to be Covert to expose the truth!”.
Open Source is all that’s there, that can often include you! Sometimes that needs to be done anonymously and with a good level of self protection. For Investigators going about their business, Its not that easy to remain covert!
Course Information Pages
If you have completed Module I & Module II of our Internet Evidence Finder packages, or you feel the need to take a leap into unknown territory and need some greater protection, then this is for you.
We’ve already shared basic and intermediate levels of evidence gathering and gone over some basic protection methods. Now we take quite a big leap and spend the day learning different techniques for Ghosting the Internet, protecting your identity and your equipment!
Let’s not beat about the bush, you will need to be somewhat tech savvy for this days input, or at least have that desire to be such and your not turned off by a complex use of a computer. This will be more than pointing and clicking a mouse cursor. This will be a hands on course in which you will be following procedures using your own equipment.
We will take you through the various levels of self protection, teaching you to hide in corners and only come out when you need to through to making yourself a complete Ghost on the Internet.
Naturally, we will be in places where few dare tread, but you may need to. We will look at Crypto-Currency and the places where you may need them. We will take precautions in an environment where we need to be covert.
Once completed, you will have an understanding of how to use the Internet to your own advantage and protection, minimising the risk to yourself and your organisation, Ghosting the Internet and remaining Covert for when times need it.
Whilst this is High-Tech, it is also designed to be enlightening and enjoyable, more importantly, you will learn a great deal.
This package usually given at a venue of our choice, but can be given in-house or
your preferred venue if it aides minimising costs to your organisation. We have a
set criteria, so contact us to discuss your needs.
This is a 1 day course, which can last from 7 - 9 hours, which is your choice!
Certificates and course materials provided for keeps!
Minimum numbers required.